Blat -debug output

This blat line produced the following output
blat file.txt -to [email protected] -f [email protected] -s "Subject Line" -server localhost -debug
Blat's output Here is a bit of decode for all that debug junk...
Sending file.txt to [email protected] The info Blat is going to use to send the message
Subject: Subject Line
Login name is [email protected]
<<<getline<<< 220 minirelay server v0.9.74d ready The initial response blat got back from the MTA
>>>putline>>> EHLO MyHostNameIs Blat is identifing itself to the MTA
<<<getline<<< 250-net The MTA answering and telling Blat what it can do
250-auth login
250 help
>>>putline>>> MAIL From: [email protected] Blat is telling the MTA what eMail address it wants to send the message "From"
<<<getline<<< 250 [email protected] address okay The MTA telling Blat that the syntax of the eMail address is ok
>>>putline>>> RCPT To: <[email protected]> Blat is telling the MTA what eMail address it wants to send the message "To"
<<<getline<<< 250 [email protected] address okay The MTA telling Blat that the syntax of the eMail address is ok
>>>putline>>> DATA Blat is telling the MTA that it is done with the "Envelope", and wants to send the DATA
<<<getline<<< 354 start mail input; end with <crlf>lt;crlf> The MTA Telling Blat "ok, give it to me, then end with "CRLF.CRLF"
<<<getline<<< 250 ok The MTA Telling Blat that it has accepted the DATA portion of the message
>>>putline>>> QUIT Blat is telling the MTA that it is disconnecting
<<<getline<<< 221 signing off The MTA acknoledging the disconnect